Hello Hello!
You guys are the best! I received an overwhelmingly positive response about our upcoming Silo Kefir Class :)
Speaking of which...
You’ll never guess how I entered the silo yesterday! STAIRS!!!…That’s right. Do you see them in the background of my sleepy morning milk maid picture? No jumping, or bucket standing, or heave ho--ing. Just three easy little steps. Ok…. they are *very* temporary, but I felt pretty L-E-G-I-T having stairs lead up to our newly installed door.
Now that we have the door and windows installed, that means I can heat the silo, which means the class is on the calendar!
Wanna come?
Saturday, November 28th at 1 p.m.
I’m limiting this class to 10 slots for space-sake so grab your spot here!
Can’t wait to see you there!